Youth Council

About the Youth Council

The Road to Economic Prosperity Youth Council was launched in July 2022. African Nova Scotian youth build upon and pass down our community’s culture, values, and history. Our youth bring energy, innovation, and motivation to the work.

Road to Economic Prosperity Youth Council

Youth Council Mandate

  1. Provide counsel and guidance to the Road to Prosperity Advisory Council on matters of vital interest to the community.

  2. Develop and lead our youth consultation and engagement strategies.

  3. Assist in providing strategic direction and guidance on the work as the Road to Economic Prosperity Advisory Council moves forward on the implementation plan.

Meet Our Youth Leaders

Chelsea Slawter-Wright - Halifax - Co-chair

Shekara Grant – Halifax - Co-chair

Myannah Carvery - Valley

Kjeld Conyers-Steede - Caribbean

Graham Cromwell – South Shore

Venessa Hartley – South Shore

Joshua Lafond - Caribbean

Emperor Ben Robertson – African Diaspora

Templeton Sawyer - Caribbean

Mamadou Wade - Halifax

Youth Council Support

Russel Brooks – African Nova Scotian Affairs Office of Integration

Jenee Jarvis – Halifax Partnership

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